Jing Luo, Minjuan He*, Zheng Li, Zhaozhuo Gan, Xijun Wang. Analytical investigation and parametric study on the fire behavior of glulam bolted beam-to-column connections based on the quasi-non-linear fracture mechanics model [J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2022,133: 103662.
Jing Luo, Minjuan He, Zheng Li *, Zhaozhuo Gan, Xijun Wang, Liang F. Experimental and numerical investigation into the fire performance of glulam bolted beam-to-column connections under coupled moment and shear force [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 46: 103804.
Jing Luo, Minjuan He, Zheng Li *, Jiajia Ou, Guirong He. Seismic performance evaluation of glulam structures with either braced frames or knee-braced frames as the main lateral load resisting system [J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 154: 107134.
Jing Luo, Minjuan He, Dao Tao, Zheng Li *. Analytical investigations on the glulam beam-to-column connections reinforced with knee braces [J]. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 2022, 28(2): 04022004.
Minjuan He, Jing Luo, Dao Tao, Zheng Li*, Sun, Y., He, G. Rotational behavior of bolted glulam beam-to-column connections with knee brace [J]. Engineering Structures, 2020, 207: 110251.
Zheng Li, Jing Luo, Minjuan He*, Dao Tao, Feng Liang, Guirong He. Seismic performance of multi-story glulam post-and-beam structures reinforced with knee-braces [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 44: 102887.
Zheng Li, Jing Luo, Minjuan He*, Guirong He, Yongliang Sun. Analytical prediction of the fire resistance of the glulam bolted connections under coupled moment and shear [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021,33: 101531.
Xiaofeng Zhang, Jing Luo, Lisheng Luo, Youfu Sun, Zheng Li* Experimental and numerical investigation into the bending behavior of stiffened hollow glulam beams [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022,45: 103488.
Zhan Shu, Bo Ning, Jiaxin Chen, Zheng Li*, Minjuan He, Jing Luo, Hanlin Dong. Reinforced moment‐resisting glulam bolted connection with coupled long steel rod with screwheads for modern timber frame structures [J]. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics. (Accepted).
Jing Luo, Minjuan He *, Zheng Li. Damage assessment and fire performance of glulam bolted connections with slotted-in steel plate under post earthquake loading scenario [C], Proceeding of the IASSS2022 Symposium affiliated with APCS2022 conference, China, 2022: 1781-1790.
Jing Luo, Minjuan He, Zheng Li * A state-of-art of experimental research and calculated models of dowel-type timber connections in fire [J]. International Journal of High-Rise Buildings. 2021,10(4): 285-297.
Jing Luo, Minjuan He, Zheng Li. Structural response of a glued laminated timber structure under post-earthquake fire [C]. 5th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji & Tokyo Tech. July 26-28, 2018, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
Minjuan He, Jing Luo, Zheng Li. Key technologies for prefabricated timber buildings [C]. 2017 Modular and Offsite Construction Summit & the 2nd International Symposium on Industrialized Construction Technology. Nov.10-12, 2017, Shanghai, China.