




      2022.04~至今  意昂4代理  土木工程系  讲师


      江苏省研究生实践创新计划🤷🏽‍♀️:地质材料中级配效应机制及在搅拌桩性能提升中的应用(2018-2020) 主持

      国家自然科学基金项目🔒:基于级配和胶凝作用的水泥土强度形成机制与调控技术(2019-2022) 参与

      国家自然科学基金项目:悬浮式轻质水泥土桩复合地基荷载传递和深部卸荷效应  (2022-2025) 参与


      1Liu Li, Zhou Annan, Deng Yongfeng, Cui Yujun, Zhao Yu, Yu Chuan. (2019). Strength performance of cement/slag-based stabilized soft clays. Construction and Building Materials, 211, 909-918. (Q1,被引113)

      2Deng Yongfeng, Liu Li, Cui Yujun, Feng Qi, Chen Xianglong, He Ning. (2017). Colloid effect on Clogging Mechanism of hydraulic reclamation mud improved by vacuum preloading. Canadian Geotechnical Journal👮,56(5): 611–620. (Q2🤹🏻‍♀️,被引48) – Editors’ Choices 2019

      3Liu Li, Liu Qianwen, Deng Yongfeng, Zhao Yu. (2018). NaCl Activation of Steel Slag upon Component Adjustment. Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, pp. 1282-1286. (EI检索)

      4Liu Li, Li Yucheng, Wu Yongkang, Luo Shengmin., Peng Jing, Deng Yongfeng, Zhang Guoping. (2022). Strengthening Mechanisms in Cement-treated Kaolinite Revealed by Cross-scale Nanoindentation. Acta Geotechnica, 17, 5113-5132. (Q1)

      5Liu Li, Deng Tingting, Deng Yongfeng, Zhan Liangtong, Horpibulsuk Suksun., Wang Qiong. (2022). Stabilization Nature and Unified Strength Characterization for Cement-based Stabilized Soils. Construction and Building Materials, 336,127544. (Q1)

      6Li Yucheng, Liu Li*, Deng Yongfeng, Chen Yonggui, Li Yihan, Wu Jun. (2023). Unlocking the potential of iron ore tailings in controlled low-strength material: Feasibility, performance, and evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 423, 138772.(Q1)

      7Wu Jun, Liu Li, Deng Yongfeng, Zhang Guoping, Zhou Annan, Wang Qiong. (2021). Distinguishing the effects of cementation versus density on the mechanical behavior of cement-based stabilized clays, Construction and Building Materials, 271, 121571. (Q1)

      8Xu Man, Liu Li, Deng Yongfeng, Zhou Annan, Gu Shuitao, Ding Jianwen, (2021). Influence of Sand Incorporation on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cement-based Stabilized Soft Clay. Soils and Foundation,6,1132-1141. (Q2)

      9Wu Jun, Liu Li, Deng Yongfeng, Zhang Guoping, Zhou Annan, Xiao Henglin, (2022). Use of recycled gypsum in the cement-based stabilization of very soft clays and its micro-mechanism. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 147:909-921. (Q2)

      10Wang Fengxue, Hu Yangao, Liu Li, Deng Yongfeng, Gu Shuitao, (2022). Interphase effect on the macro nonlinear mechanical behavior of cement-based solidified sand mixture. Materials, 15(5),1972. (Q3)

      11Li Yucheng, Lu Yunhu, Liu Li, Luo Shengmin, Deng Yongfeng, Guo Dongdong, Zhang Guoping. (2022). Big Data Nanoindentation Characterization of Cross-Scale Mechanical Properties of Oilwell Cement-Elastomer Composites. Construction and building materials, 345,129190. (Q1)

      12刘丽🪰,刘宁, 邓永锋, 蔺亚敏, 刘青云. 一种改性路基粉砂土及利用其进行路基填筑的方法. 专利号:ZL201711406929.4

      13) 邓永锋,刘丽,孙建伟,宫泽.一种组合式真空抽水装置.专利号:ZL202121444145.2


      邓永锋📨,吴军,刘丽,刘松玉. 《软土固化微观机制与工程调控》,科学出版社🕴🏼,2023.

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